Privacy policy

1. Collection and Use of Information

The Club collects  and stores only the information necessary for organizing games and promoting  the Club, including registration data and game results.

Game participants'  personal information is not disclosed to third parties without their explicit  consent, except as required by law.

2. Data Confidentiality

The Club ensures  the protection of users' personal data and takes measures to prevent  unauthorized access to them.

Participants have  the right to request access to their personal data, their modification, or  deletion from the Club's system.

3. Use of Cookie Files

The Club may use  cookie files to improve the user experience and analyze activity on the  website.

Participants have  the right to manage cookie files through their browser settings and disable  them when necessary.

4.  Changes to the Privacy Policy 

The Club reserves  the right to make changes to the privacy policy with notification to users by  publishing a new version of the policy on the website.

Continuing  participation in Club games after the changes to the Privacy Policy come into  effect implies agreement with the new conditions.


Last updated:  01.05.2024

Please note: Before starting to participate in games, please also familiarize yourself with the  Participation Terms.